Scientific Name: Cichla spp.
Family: Cichlidae
This fish is originally from Amazon and Araguaia (Tocantins state), but you can find it almost all over Brazil.
It is a sedentary fish that lives in rivers, lakes and lagoons and enter the flooded forests during the rainy season; it is also found in the mouth of rivers and riverbanks.
There are some registers of Tucunarés of 1 meter (39.37 inches) and 12 Kilograms (5.45 pounds), but its average length weight is 60 centimeter (23.62 inches) and
5 kilograms (2.27 pounds).
The Tucunaré is carnivorous and feeds on small fish and shrimps. After an attack has begun, the fish rarely gives up until the bait is caught.
This behavior and its fight during the fishing attract a lot
