Scientific Name: Piaractus mesopotamicus
Family: Characidae
We can find it at the La Plata and Araguaia-Tocantins basins.
It can be up to 31in long and weigh more than 40 lb. Theodore Roosevelt, in his book (Through the Brazilian Wilderness), described them as good-sized, deep-bodied fish, and he said: that they were delicious eating.
This fish feeds on fruits and seeds mainly, but it can also eat leaves, algae, small fish, crustaceans and mollusks, that’s why it’s considered omnivorous.

Their teeth, which may resemble human teeth, are used to cut through vegetation and crush seeds that fall into the water.
Black pacu are commonly sold as 'Vegetarian Piranhas' to home aquarium owners in the USA. But they could be very dangerous to aquariums owners because its powerful bite.
Deep Sea World zoological manager Matthew Kane warned, after an incident with toddler: "Pacus will eat anything, even children’s wiggling fingers."
Deep Sea World zoological manager Matthew Kane warned, after an incident with toddler: "Pacus will eat anything, even children’s wiggling fingers."