

Scientific Name: Colossoma macropomum
Family: Characidae

We can find the Tambaqui in the Amazon basin (North Brazil).

It can reach 2.9 ft in length and can weigh up 99 lb, but in nowadays it’s very difficult to find one of this size due to over fishing. Despite that, Tambaqui is considered the second biggest fish of the Amazon basin, after the Pirarucu.

Its teeth, just like Pacu, are used to cut through grains, seeds, coconuts, crustaceans, mollusk, etc.

The species migrates for reproduction. They usually spawn in muddy areas of the rivers and during this period, they never feed on anything, living off accumulated fat.

Pacu, a fish that is closely related to the Piranha.

Scientific Name: Piaractus mesopotamicus
Family: Characidae

We can find it at the La Plata and Araguaia-Tocantins basins.

It can be up to 31in long and weigh more than 40 lb. Theodore Roosevelt, in his book (Through the Brazilian Wilderness), described them as good-sized, deep-bodied fish, and he said: that they were delicious eating.

This fish feeds on fruits and seeds mainly, but it can also eat leaves, algae, small fish, crustaceans and mollusks, that’s why it’s considered omnivorous.

Their teeth, which may resemble human teeth, are used to cut through vegetation and crush seeds that fall into the water.

Black pacu are commonly sold as 'Vegetarian Piranhas' to home aquarium owners in the USA. But they could be very dangerous to aquariums owners because its powerful bite.

Deep Sea World zoological manager Matthew Kane warned, after an incident with toddler: "Pacus will eat anything, even children’s wiggling fingers."


Pirarucu, the biggest freshwater fish of the world.

Scientific name: Arapaima gigas
Family: Arapaimidae

The pirarucu is found only in the Amazon Basin. It appears from the Orinoco, in Guiana to the Ucayali and the lower part of the Amazon River and its tributaries, living in the calm waters of the river bank pools.

It is one of the biggest scaly freshwater fish of the world, reaching up to 3 meter long (118.11 inches) and 250 kilograms (113.5 pounds).

This fish has aquatic respiration, through its gills, and mandatory aerial respiration, through its modified swim-bladder, specially prepared to work as a lung.

The pirarucu eats certain species of catfish and insects. It is known to leap out of the water and grab small birds from the overhanging trees.

They are living fossils belonging to the Osteoglossidae (bony tongue) family of fishes. The "tongue" is about five inches long and bony. Its rough surface is used by natives as a rasp to smooth wood. Its scales are used as nail files and in the making of typical ornaments.

Onça-Negra or Jaguar Hunting a Pirarucu:


Apaiari or Oscar.

Scientific Name: Astronotus ocellatus
Family: Cichlidae

It is native to Peru, Colombia, Brazil and French Guiana and occurs in the Amazon river basin.

It’s known as the Red, Albino and Tiger Oscar, and some other names, but I prefer to call it Apaiari, because it is its original indigenous name.

They can get quite large, usually 12-14 inches, but have been reported to grow to a length of 45 cm (approximately 18 in) and a mass of 1.6 kg (3.5 lb).

The eyespot on the tail is a common feature among cichlids. The spot is believed to provide a diversion to misdirect the attack of a potential predator toward the tail. The species is also able to rapidly alter its coloration, a characteristic which facilitates ritualized territorial and combat behaviors.

They are popular as pets, because they can learn to associate their owners and food and despite their large size, and predatory nature, this fish is relatively placid, that is a good quality to a resident of an aquarium.

Photo: Geiocities

Pirarara, the truck of the water.

Scientific Name: Phractocephalus hemiliopterus
Family: Pimelodidae

Ok, the name is really Pirarara, it’s not wrong.

If you are coming to Brazil and intend to catch one of these, you must learn how to pronounce its name.

I’m not a Portuguese teacher but I’ll try:

First, the letter “i” has the same sound that in “bit” and the ‘r’ in this case sounds like the “t” in “data” (American pronunciation). The main stress is in the second “ra”.

So it’s like /Pita’tata/.

It leaves in Amazon and Araguaia-Tocantins Basins.

The Pirarara can reach 3,2 ft in length ans weigh up to 110 lb. It’s like a big colorful catfish.

This fish is a very violent carnivorous that feeds on another fish, fruits and crabs.

Some Amazon native people say that it attacks human beings, especially children swimming in the rivers, but I don’t know if it’s true or just a legend.

If you like your other fish, don’t put a pirarara with them in the same aquarium. Take a look what could happen:

Dourado, the King of the river.

Scientific Name: Salminous maxillosus
Family: Characidae

You can find it at La Plata basin, including Pantanal. Its considered the king of Brazilian rivers

It’s a very beautiful and strong animal with a shining yellow body. It can weigh as much as 55 lb and be 3,2 ft long.

Dourados, generally swimming in shoals, feed on small fish in the rapids and in the mouth of lagoons, especially during the low-water season when the little fish migrate to the main channel of the rivers.

According to Rancho Ze da Noca Dourado is a very violent predator that jumps out of the water after being hooked.

Tucunaré, the king of sport fish in Brazil.

Scientific Name: Cichla spp.
Family: Cichlidae

This fish is originally from Amazon and Araguaia (Tocantins state), but you can find it almost all over Brazil.

It is a sedentary fish that lives in rivers, lakes and lagoons and enter the flooded forests during the rainy season; it is also found in the mouth of rivers and riverbanks.

There are some registers of Tucunarés of 1 meter (39.37 inches) and 12 Kilograms (5.45 pounds), but its average length weight is 60 centimeter (23.62 inches) and
5 kilograms (2.27 pounds).

The Tucunaré is carnivorous and feeds on small fish and shrimps. After an attack has begun, the fish rarely gives up until the bait is caught.

This behavior and its fight during the fishing attract a lot of fishermen, making it the main sport fish in Brazil.
