
Dourado, the King of the river.

Scientific Name: Salminous maxillosus
Family: Characidae

You can find it at La Plata basin, including Pantanal. Its considered the king of Brazilian rivers

It’s a very beautiful and strong animal with a shining yellow body. It can weigh as much as 55 lb and be 3,2 ft long.

Dourados, generally swimming in shoals, feed on small fish in the rapids and in the mouth of lagoons, especially during the low-water season when the little fish migrate to the main channel of the rivers.

According to Rancho Ze da Noca Dourado is a very violent predator that jumps out of the water after being hooked.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

hi Bro...
Nice post i just luv.I like fish and brazilian fishes...^^
Your blog will be awesome if you continue posting...^^
bye bye

Moisés Quadros disse...

Thanks Hiero.

I’m still building this blog, but I intent to use it to talk about our great diversity of species and they potential to aquaculture, fishing and also as pet animal.

As well as Brazilian aquatic environment and how to explore it in a sustainable way.